If you are interested in purchasing Mimi’s work please email jeremy@windowonhudson.org to request a catalogue.


Mimi Czajka Graminski

August 30 - October 15, 2023

Mimi Czajka Graminski makes a spectacular return to the windows with Beyond Shadow and Light.

Artist Statement

“I love working with my hands, creating something where there was nothing before. Inspiration comes from nature, found materials and my intuition. I’m interested in the many paradoxes that exist simultaneously in our world - fragility and strength, transparency and opacity, vicissitudes of memory, beauty in flaws. I work in different media, and the work is consistently based in the exploration of light, color, and pattern. I always rely on my instinct and sense of play - allowing my intuition to decide the colors and lead my hands to create the shapes. I am always amazed as certain colors and shapes illicit specific emotions. 

“I fold, pin, arrange and suspend translucent, yet durable fabrics into abstract shapes that may refer to the natural world. They are pinned to the wall, arranged in containers, or suspended from the ceiling. I use the swathes of fabric like paint colors – mixing and layering them. The textile sculptures seem fragile but are quite sturdy. They create shadows and reflections that sometimes appear more substantial than the actual object. The sculpture lies between the light and creates the shadow. I put them together into groups where the colors, shapes and shadows interact, as light and air movement act upon them. 

“A whisper, a thought, a tenderness, something just out of reach.”